( Standard Shampoo Course )
・This course includes nail clipping, ear cleaning, clipping the bottom of the feet/anal area/belly, trimming the feet, expressing the anal glands, shampooing and drying.
If hairballs are found, an additional fee for hairball removal may be charged.
シャンプー ☆スタンダード☆とカットがセットになったコースです。
( Standard Trimming ( Shampoo + Cut ) Course )
This course includes ( Standard Shampoo Course ) and a cut.
シャンプー ☆スタンダード☆にプラス¥1,650でご利⽤頂けます。
( Premium Shampoo Course )
This is a skin care course recommended for caring for your precious dog s skin and coat.
Available for an additional ¥1,650 on top of the Standard Shampoo Course.
- Nail clipping, ear cleaning, clipping the bottom of the feet/anal area/belly, trimming the feet, expressing the anal glands, shampooing, microbubble bath and drying.
- We use organic shampoo and treatment that is gentle on skin that tends to dry out easily, has excellent moisturizing effects, and leaves the skin feeling fluffy after washing.
- We use a microbubble bath to care for the skin and hair.
If hairballs are found, an additional fee for hairball removal may be charged.
トリミング ☆スタンダード☆にプラス¥1,650でご利⽤頂けます。
シャンプー ★プレミアム★とカットがセットになったコースです。
( Premium Trimming ( Shampoo + Cut ) Course )
This skin care course is recommended for caring for your precious dog s skin and coat.
Grooming is available for an additional ¥1,650 on top of the Standard Trimming course.
This course includes ( Premium Shampoo Course ) and a cut.
シャンプー ☆スタンダード☆ 通常料⾦から ¥1,100割引
( Quick Shampoo Course)
Recommended for customers who do not have much time but still want to have their hair shampooed!
Shampoo/dry only course.
*Does not include nail clipping, ear cleaning, clipping the bottom of the feet/anal area/belly, trimming the feet, expressing the anal glands.
Standard Shampoo Course ¥1,100 off regular price.
爪切り、耳掃除、足裏/肛門周り/お腹バリカン、足回りカット、肛門腺絞り 等
( Nail clippers, sole hair cuts, etc. )
Nail clipping, ear cleaning, clipping the bottom of the feet/anal area/belly, trimming the feet, expressing the anal glands, etc.
大型犬の受付は日曜日の9:00 or 10:00のみとなります。
( Large dog shampoo Course )
Large dogs are only accepted on Sundays at 9:00 or 10:00.
Thank you for your understanding.
大型犬の受付は日曜日の9:00 or 10:00のみとなります。
( Large dog Trimming ( Shampoo + Cut ) Course )
Large dogs are only accepted on Sundays at 9:00 or 10:00.
Thank you for your understanding.
( Dog Massage )
This is a holistic therapy with few side effects.
Recommended for maintaining and improving health, preventing illness, and early detection of disease.
Treatments are performed by dog massage therapists.